Monday 26 October 2015

The Dreaded Phone

The phone…..our greatest asset and our greatest fear.

With technology, Facebook, texting & emailing, many of us have lost the basic skill of picking up the phone and speaking to someone.  I call it a skill because it really is one, one that not many of us are very good at anymore.  I’m not sure why that is, however, I do know that most of fear the phone.  
With our busy lives we don’t want to bother anyone, so we text, send Facebook messages or do anything we can do to avoid actual conversation where we could potentially receive a negative answer instead of a positive.  In fact, it is our belief that most of think we are going to get the negative.

This is what I am setting out to change. Last weekend I changed the way I used my lead cards.  I still asked people to fill them out, but instead of just putting a few notes on them about our conversation, I asked a very simple question to everyone.

 “Is it ok if I call you this week?”

That one simple question changed everything for me!  Most people said YES!  I followed up by saying something like “Great, I will be in touch with you this week”  For those that say NO, I simply asked if email or text was better, and then marked that down on the sheet.
What that did for me was take the pressure off phoning them.  They had already given me permission, and were now expecting my call. 

The BEST part was, that as I did my follow up calls this week, I booked 2 socials, and sent out a catalogue social.  I had a conversation with a potential artist, and sold 2 lockets!

Honestly, I was blown away at the results!  All because I simply asked if it was ok to call them!  I have a whole new appreciation for what the phone can do for my business, and I no longer fear it!
I made a conscience choice to face my fear, ask the question, and follow up with a phone call.  The phone really is one of the biggest assets we have to growing our businesses.

I challenge you to ask the question and make the call!

-Randy Mellon Director Team Stylicious