Thursday, 1 October 2015

September Recognition



Welcome to all of our new artists who decided to begin their own South Hill Designs Business! 
 We are all here to be your support partners in this business.

Samantha Macdonald 
Vera Maniccia-Bozzo 
Chelsey Mullins 
Tania Di Zazzo 
Laura Clatza 
Jennifer Scott 
Sabrina Ertsenian 
Kylie Rodrigues 
Rosemary Ratkaj 
Elisa Wadas 
Michelle Marchione 
Sofya Portnoy 
Kay Rugh 
Gaspard Witrand 
Maria Gol 
Heidi Stokes 
Deb Burnie 
Robin Beaudoin 
Nicole Furtado 
Kelly Kirkey 
Heather Birchall-Muylaert 
Christine Kanbergs 
Lila Conkie


Congratulations to all of our new IAs. You launched your business and are now on your way to earning more bonuses and perks! You will also begin to be paid WEEKLY WOO HOO!

Clarice Martinez 
Zenaida Guzman 
Mary Sarkis 
Sabrina Ertsenian 
Lauryn Trush 
Michelle Marchione 
Kay Rugh



Congratulations to Kasten Alvarez who promoted in september! You worked hard and have the determination to continue promoting and mentoring your team!



WOW we have some super sellers who really show us its possible to sell thousands in jewelry every month! Congratulations to these ladies on selling more then 2000BV in the month of September! A special shout out to Vera Tsotsos who was the top seller! Congrats also to all the artists who achieved their 440BV+ to maintain "active" status

Vera Tsotsos 2871.5 

Helen Garf 2515.25


Christine Hull 1926.75 

Patricia Mercier 1919.5 
Laura Marusich 1698.75 
Ellis Simmons 1540.5 
Elaine Black 1499.25 
Catherine Doyle 1454.75 
Sabrina Ertsenian 1325.75 
Randy Mellon 1261.25 
Wendy Willmets 1247.75 
Jennifer Harrison 1208.75 
Lynn And Carl Tucker 1196.25 
Monika Mavec 1192.75 
Lynne Currie 1187.5 
Helen Miklaszewski 1174.5 
Mary Sarkis 1153.75 
Angie Foley 1024.5 
Mary-Kay Lang-Lee 974.25 
Dawn Bender Levine 955.25 
Michelle Marchione 946 
Shaune Martin 896.28 
Kay Rugh 859.98 
Nancy Candido 840
Lisa Steeves 823.25
Luciana Castro 820
Cyndi Inshaw 810
Dora Tzavaras 793.75
Karen Hecker 792
Lauryn Trush 784.75
Joanne Villemaire 772.75
Jennifer Scott 763.5
Kristin Densmore-Jones 761
Faye Del Grande 737
Irene Dennis 719
Kasten Alvarez 715
Zenaida Guzman 689.75
Barbara Elias 673.75
Janice Pinsent 673.75
Tammy Bradshaw 634.5
Carolina Rotondo 618.75
Anita Brown 618.25
Allison Sitlani 617.75
Debbie Livingston 613.75
Paivi Lintunen 606.75
Christine Scales 602.25
Susan Rosenstein 595.05
Rita Stephens 593.5
Dayna Trush 590.5
Bonnie Kouyoumjian 585.25
Chrysty Newman 569.5
Hope Hanson 555.25
Stephanie Lander 533.25
Kristen Cosman 532
Laura Burg 531.52
Lorraine Vella 521.75
Sarah Lewis 496.75
Mary Skagos 478.5
Nicole Vosper 478.5
Beth Karstadt 468
Vicky Golding 466
Angela Iliopoulos 455.25
Rochelle Simon 454.25
Mary Cockram 449.75
Melissa O'Shea 449
Lucky Singh-Haba 448
Kathy & Elizabeth Dorion 447
Miriam Ehrlich-Schnider 446.5
Sarah Paterson 445.25
Linda Lamont 443.25



A big shout out to the following ladies who grew their own business by growing their team! There is no greater gift then our opportunity. A special shout out to Allison Sitlani who invited 4!!!!!!! people to her organization.

Allison Sitlani -4
Hope Hanson -2 
Dawn Bender -2
Kristen Cosman 
Linda Gallant 
Melanie Bergshoeff 
Dora Tzavaras 
Randy Mellon 
Rita Palacios 
Dawn Bender Levine 
Susan Rosenstein 
Candice Barkin 
Susan Yalowsky 
Candice Duimering 
Chrysty Newman 
Tanya Horsup 
Lorraine Vella 
Lucky Singh-Haba 
Mary-Kay Lang-Lee