Friday 23 October 2015

Being Accountable & Taking Ownership

If you are like me, you need help with accountability. It seems I know what im supposed to do but just can't get myself to do it.  When we try to hold ourselves accountable, it gets very easy to let things slide or be postponed.  We end up using the "ill do it tomorrow" but what happens is tomorrow turns into the next day and the next etc.   

Like the quote says accountability breeds response-ability.  When you joined south hill, which from now on I will always say "when you purchased your South Hill Designs business"   you took on a certain level of accountability. You decided to start this business and work it as a hobby, part-time or full-time.  Maybe you purchased the business to join a community of like minded woman who enjoy jewelry and being social?  Or you decided that you need a new career with freedom and flexibility.  In the beginning, in the heat of excitement we know our plan,  know what we want to do and start planning how to do it.   Overtime we begin to push little everyday activities like following up with leads, setting appointments to another day then another month which then creates an empty calendar and a sense of failure.

We tend to forget that this is OUR BUSINESS.  This is a real business that makes money BUT the really amazing part is you DETERMINE what your success level and outcome will be!  You are your own Boss, CEO, Entrepreneur.  There is no one that will  force you to do it their way.  It is YOU who decides!   So "take ownership" of your business, grab it by the horns and create your success story.

A great way to keep yourself accountable for those everyday tasks is to pick an accountability partner.  Reach out on our team page or message someone that inspires you!  I can guarantee you will not receive a "NO" as an answer from anyone.  Ask them to be your accountability partner to help keep you or even each other on track by emailing daily/weekly/monthly whatever you decide.

By doing this you are TAKING OWNERSHIP & being ACCOUNTABLE in your incredible journey= Owing a South Hill Designs business.